Bandyer SDK
It's the main item required to connect to the Bandyer platform.
Add module observer to listen for modules changes.
Call this method to clear all the cached data. The BandyerSDK will be disposed as well.
Configure BandyerSDK. This is the first api that should be called before connecting the BandyerSDK.
Disconnects BandyerSDK session. All modules will be destroyed as well as the user identification. The current configuration is kept so a new call to the connect(session) can be performed.
Handle notification payload. Be aware to call BandyerSDK.connect(session) before.
Check if the throwable belongs to the component.
Perform needed operation after an exception has been produced from the component.
Remove module observer from BandyerSDKClient.
Remove all previously added observers
Sets the user details formatter that will be used to format users details provided from UserDetailsProvider
Sets the user details provider that will be used to fetch users representation from your integration
Starts listening for events such as incoming calls and incoming chat messages.
Stops listening for events such as incoming calls and incoming chat messages.