
@available(iOS 12.0, *)
public class VoIPPushConfiguration : NSObject

A value object holding Kaleyra Video SDK VoIP notifications configuration.

Public properties

  • A flag determining if the Kaleyra Video SDK should automatically handle VoIP Notifications delivered to your app (when the flag is set to true) or if your app is required to handle VoIP notifications delivered to it (when the flag is set to false).



    public var automaticallyHandleVoIPNotifications: Bool { get }
  • The keypath the sdk will search for the Kaleyra Video notification payload in the push notification received from APNS. If you provide a value the sdk will use that value to search for the required VoIP Kaleyra Video notification body, otherwise if you don’t specify anything, the SDK will try to search the VoIP Kaleyra Video notification body by itself.



    public var payloadKeyPath: String? { get }
  • An object conforming to the PKPushRegistryDelegate protocol that will be notified when the VoIP push token has been updated.



    public var pushRegistryDelegate: PKPushRegistryDelegate? { get }
  • A boolean flag indicating whether the Kaleyra Video SDK should listen for VoIP notifications when the app is in foreground. Usually the SDK will listen for VoIP notifications when the app is in background. When this flag is true the SDK will also listen for VoIP notifications when the application is in foreground state. When the SDK is configured with a manual VoIP notifications handling strategy, this flag has no effect.



    public var shouldListenForNotificationsInForeground: Bool { get }